Category Archives: Focused

Viacom v. YouTube – ESI re-definition ?

A mix bag of copyrights, privacy, databases, ediscovery and the judge being accused of “lack of tech cluefulness,” read on…Viacom v youTube

a dedicated video folder for electronic discovery – FindLaw

For anyone interested in viewing videos, check out this at Findlaw. Do view the ‘Other Legal Technology Videos’ and  see if you can catch the common themes in these videos and the electronic discovery videos.  

The Lawyer – calling all litigation professionals

Ready yourself for the next 12 months of increased litigation and the challenges of electronic disclosure – From The Lawyer. What are the challenges of electronic disclosure? According to the speakers/presenters from the legal world, the challenges are explored by themes which are; Implications of the latest electronic disclosure developments Minimising costs associated with eDisclosure [...]

US and UK/EU Legal & Compliance “Hot Topics”

It doesn’t look like ediscovery is under the “Hot Topics”. Maybe ‘ediscovery’ is too hot to handle. The topics listed under the programme, such as recording, securing and accessing client communications are mostly to do with Know Your Customer (KYC). It would be interesting to hear the recent lessons from the compliance officers and also [...]

Alternative Search Technologies – Too Good to be True

It seems that alternative search technologies (alternative to the familiar Keyword and Boolean searches) touted by Vendors are considered as ‘too good to be true’. Check it out yourself at In Search of Better E-Discovery Methods By H. Christopher Boehning and Daniel J. Toal, New York Law Journal April 23, 2008 The above legal article [...]

E-mail Archiving – Myths according to a Solution Provider and Making Sense in Plain English of the FRCP

For those using Exchange, Outlook and Active Directory, you may be interested to read the white paper, Email Archiving: Common Myths and Misconceptions by MessageOne, Inc. If you’re curious on how a Solution Provider ‘makes sense in plain English of the FRCP, scan the posted white paper. I cannot comment on the MessageOne solution as [...]

Party autonomy & the English Arbitration Act 1996

Just as there are international conventions guaranteeing recognition of party autonomy, there are mandatory rules (e.g. arbitrability, due process that limit and constraint on the types of issues that can be submitted to arbitration and the effectiveness and enforceability of the arbitral award) overarching the extent of party autonomy. Mandatory provisions may vary from country [...]

The Compliance, Security or Operability questions for E-Discovery

  Last week I went to the infosecurity Europe event in London as I was attracted by the keynotes titles and the interactive theatre. Besides returning home with three different caps/hats, one even has a battery attached to it (stress balls seems to be out of fashion for the security nerds and herd, which is [...]

a collusion of laws,regulations & standards on e-mails

I wondered if the term, collusion to mean ‘interplay’ (or more precisely in the old etymological sense of playing fairly together?) could be used in the context of looking at the various laws, regulations and standards surrounding e-mails. According to Prof. Tony Hoare at a BCS evening talk, the collusion of the Science of Programming [...]

Fancy an MSc in E-discovery (and Computer Forensics)?

The Glasgow University is offering an MSc in Computer Forensics and E-discovery. The University is also looking for a lecturer, ‘ someone with professional and practical experience as well as the ability to take a leading role in teaching, development and research in dynamic academic environment.’