Monthly Archives: March 2020

#SelfIsolationHelp #StayHomeSaveLives

Simple #Selfisolationhelp self-help steps #immuneSupport #immuneSystem #StayHomeSaveLives #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #JinShinJyutsu — Jin Shin Jyutsu London, UK (@craftingqi) March 27, 2020

A new era is dawning

I’m getting a whole swathe of Coronavirus (Covid-19) emails, WhatsApp messages and news from online/TV/Radios & social channels. It is ‘crazy time’, ‘panic food stocking/hoarding’, ‘deserted café/streets’, ‘unprecedented time’, ‘tumultuous time’ and government calling for lockdown or shutdown and/or social distancing. The WHO declared last Wednesday 11th March 2020 that COVID-19 can be characterized as [...]