Category Archives: Focused

Discovery & Data Analysis

Discovery generates ‘quasi-metaphysical’ debates? Traditional documentary discovery is ‘turned’ into electronic discovery by allowing data analysis of computer files to ‘create new document’. Check out this at the Irish law on discovery

Buddhism and the art of negotiation – Harvard News Office

It would be a dream come true for me if I can also apply the Buddhist precepts and way of ‘non-judgment’ for dispute resolution. Interesting article coming from Harvard News room. The Zen and Buddhism for Negotiation

The Legal IT Show 2008:e-discovery

Show coverage included E-discovery I missed the Show. Instead, I celebrated Chinese New Year, Year of the Rat, with lots of catching up with families and friends.

BlackBerry Texting:electronic communication/document

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s (Finra) said ‘Blackberry text must be archived and reviewed.’ Securities Industry news

electronic discovery vs computer forensics & beyond…

My research for my dissertation finished last week. I will continue to post articles which I’ve collected and will also continue with my interests in international arbitration and ediscovery/edisclosure. An article on ediscovery vs computer forensics. I will be exploring, ‘IT containment’ or ‘Data Retention’ and International rules/laws on documentary evidence. After reflection, (from my [...]

New York, New York

Finished my dissertation on 27th January! Then off I went to NY. Met up with old friends and also found new friends at the Juris Conference: Electronic Disclosure in International Arbitration. Now back in London and went for a job interview today?! Any other offers? Had the famous ‘juniors’ cheese cakes at the Grand Central [...]

a new metaphor- looking for a needle in a needle factory!

I recently contacted Mr Chris Dale asking if he knows or have come across any edisclosure case. Today he e-mailed me and said he found a case (well a pre-action disclosure case) & has posted in his blog. An interesting read. Thks Chris!. I wonder how many needle factories are out there?!

Improving Procedures for Discovery and Documentary Evidence

improving-procedures-for-discovery.htm, Andrew Rogers, Source: BOOK: ICCA Congress series no. 7 (1996), pp. 131 – 144

Electronic Discovery In Arbitration: Privilege Issues and Spoliation of Evidence

Warshauer, Irene C “Electronic Discovery In Arbitration: Privilege Issues and Spoliation of Evidence“. Dispute Resolution Journal. Nov 2006-Jan 2007. 09 Nov. 2007.

Edisclosure under communications law

Just found an article on Westlaw (now that my account was re-activated, thanks to Queen Mary College). E-disclosure -UK