Category Archives: 2007

Articles published around 2007

Concluding remarks from my research (winter 2007)

“Electronic discovery is a tool to help resolve a dispute and should not be viewed as a strategic weapon to coerce unjust, delayed, or expensive results.” – From the Sedona Conference Electronic discovery/disclosure is an evolving field and has already raised and heightens multiple legal, security, and personal privacy issues, many of which have yet [...]

Edisclosure under communications law

Just found an article on Westlaw (now that my account was re-activated, thanks to Queen Mary College). E-disclosure -UK

Electronic Evidence: Disclosure, Discovery & Admissibility

A Book on Electronic Evidence: Disclosure, Discovery & Admissibility General Editor: Stephen Mason with specialist contributors 1st Edition 2007, LexisNexis Butterworths A decent textbook of legal principles (mainly common law jurisdictions) and a fair selection of chapters/articles on digital evidence.


…electronic discovery is already happening also– to a limited extent–in international arbitration and neither the IBA Rules nor US litigation principles are enough. According to a featured international article‘, ‘ELECTRONIC DISCOVERY IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION: WHERE NEITHER THE IBA RULES NOR U.S. LITIGATION PRINCIPLES ARE ENOUGH ‘by Jonathan L. Frank, Julie Bédard, Dispute Resolution Journal, November, [...]

Interesting questions on IBA Rules of Evidence & Disclosure of electronic documents

Interesting questions on IBA Rules of Evidence & Disclosure of electronic documents from The Grove, under SESSION C QUESTIONS OF EVIDENCE in the Word document

The Truth Behind the Myth:Discovery in Reinsurance Arbitrations

This pdf document was given by a student friend, Mr Martin Goodman.the_truth_behind_the_myth.pdf The Truth Behind the Myth:Discovery in Reinsurance Arbitrations, Presented at American Conference Institute Reinsurance Arbitrations, Keeping Discovery from Spiraling Out of Control: Tips and Technique, Larry P. Schiffer, September 28, 2007

e-Disclosure The 21st Century Legal Challenge A Survey by KPMG Forensic

e-Disclosure The 21st Century Legal Challenge A Survey by KPMG Forensic