Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why are Google, Bing and Yahoo! collaborating? Aren’t you competitors?

Interesting development in the web space which most likely will attract other willing collaborators (or competitors) to join in. This development is also interesting for the ediscovery space as we now have ‘microdata’ . For my own record –

My code is ‘Code is messy’.

I have been re-mulling over lots of stuff lately as projects I have ‘killed off’ resurfaced, and projects that I have been working on got ‘killed off’ due to ‘messy’ events. For me the word ‘messy’ aptly describes the turbulence in some parts of world and strangely it’s a word that I frequently use in [...]

A bit of fund raising and summer fun!

Hello folks/friends/readers/bloggers/guests, I have 2 social websites running under the Ning platform (social websites-CMS) which will not be free after 20th July. So here’s an extreme blog (or fund raising blog) to help me continue to maintain my Ning sites (both non profit making). All enquiries are warmly welcome. Get a T-shirt printed with your [...]

price discovery and ghosts

I am just about to dash out to do some ‘price discovery’ or price investigation of camera (aiming for an SLR) in the Zhongguancun shopping mall. Simply can’t resist posting the link to the Bloomberg Businessweek article – ‘Ghosts Scared Bear Stearns, Lehman to Death: Susan Antilla‘. Gosh! not ‘act of god’ but ghosts.. Ingenuous [...]

social networking

Just for my own reckoning, my Ning sites (as listed under this blog) will most likely disappear from online or hidden behind the cloud(s) of Ning after the 4th of May. Ning is changing their policy on free social networking. Should I explore other free social networking CMS? Mmm..Will see.

A reckoning with reality

Is there such a thing as ‘reality’? I guess the answer depends on where one draws a line or whether a line can indeed be distinguished and/or drawn. Can we really distinguish and be able to categorise data into neat buckets (or cells, columns, rows, stacks etc.)? Answer depends on who is distinguishing the data [...]

Just for my own record

According to my web hoster, this site/blog will be moving to a new high performance server in the next 24 hours. Such is life in the data world – inconveniences for a faster (& safer?) access?

Is my data everybody’s business?

For the past weeks I have the ‘freedom’ to explore my websites, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. You see, I have been out of the online social scenes since last September when I left UK for Beijing. Came back to UK just to sort personal stuff and see my kids before I leave for Beijing again. [...]

My first blog from Beijing

I am slowly getting used to not having ‘full access’ to the world wide web in the widest and wildest sense of the word in the so called connected world of information. I have no access to my own websites (the social sites are blocked!) and no posting on Facebook and Twitter. Gosh, what [...]

A friendly announcement

Hello friends, Eventually I hope to upgrade this wordpress site to the ‘latest’  version. Meanwhile, I will only allow ‘real’ users (as opposed to spooky/spamming e-mails) to register here. Please do announce via e-mail to me that you wish to join/register with an identifiable e-mail address. Many thanks! Cher