forensic classification of specialities – one approach

Last December, I attended a digital forensic course given by the London School of Informatics, City University. On my ToDo list (many ToDo!) after the course was to find out how the courts and the forensic practitioners classify the various technical or speciality areas (if any).

Here’s one approach adopted by the Council for the Registration of Forensic Practitioners (crfp).

information blocked & information ‘missed’ collaboration

I just found out today that my IT friends in Shanghai are not able to view my websites (this one & another). Sites blocked by the Chinese government. Ah how sad! I was just looking to share my information with my friends.

Also, another IT friend in UK pointed this rather interesting read at wikipedia, PROMIS

Interesting contrasts on the way governments use their ‘power’ to control and/or use information.

I have looked at collaboration tools (mainly Open Source Software) in the past for communities and wondered if anyone would be interested to explore this with me for the ADR (covering mediation and arbitration) communities.

If interested, please leave me your comment here. I am avoiding posting my e-mail here to avoid auto spammers.

Discovery & Data Analysis

Discovery generates ‘quasi-metaphysical’ debates?

Traditional documentary discovery is ‘turned’ into electronic discovery by allowing data analysis of computer files to ‘create new document’.

Check out this at the Irish law on discovery

Process & Data & People

Today, I went to hear what Ms Jennifer Stapleton (DSDM Consultant) has to say about ‘Agile Programme Management’ . Nothing revolutionary in terms of process or approach. Agile is viewed as systemic and dependent on culture. Personally, I rather prefer to view Agile holistically and not to complicate business agility with a whole hosts of ‘portfolio, programme, project’ agility.

Next event, Data Loss Prevention is on my diary: 12th March 2008, Farmers’ and Fletchers’ Hall, 2 Cloth Street, London, EC1A 7LD

Events about ‘People’ issues are too ‘soft’ for IT or Legal people to hold talks or events on :-) .

my dissertation – done but more to come?

This week I met up with my dissertation tutor, Ms Angie Raymond,  and we had very interesting exchanges. I am very pleased that Ms Raymond said my dissertation (title: electronic discovery/disclosure:from litigation to international commercial arbitration) was ‘publishable’ material and also commented that I should consider extending my interests in this subject matter and pursue a PhD.

Ah! I will need a sponsor for a PhD.

Thanks Angie for her kind support and encouragement.

discovery project manager

This week I saw a job title, ‘discovery project manager’, advertised in jobserve. I am indeed curious as I am an IT Project Manager/Consultant. Perhaps I will also add ‘ediscovery’ to my list of acquired ‘knowledge’. Over the next couple of weeks I will explore these two domains.

Welcome suggestions/comments here or at yahoo groups.

Buddhism and the art of negotiation – Harvard News Office

It would be a dream come true for me if I can also apply the Buddhist precepts and way of ‘non-judgment’ for dispute resolution. Interesting article coming from Harvard News room.

The Zen and Buddhism for Negotiation

The Legal IT Show 2008:e-discovery

Show coverage included E-discovery I missed the Show. Instead, I celebrated Chinese New Year, Year of the Rat, with lots of catching up with families and friends.

BlackBerry Texting:electronic communication/document

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s (Finra) said ‘Blackberry text must be archived and reviewed.’
Securities Industry news

electronic discovery vs computer forensics & beyond…

My research for my dissertation finished last week.

I will continue to post articles which I’ve collected and will also continue with my interests in international arbitration and ediscovery/edisclosure. An article on ediscovery vs computer forensics.

I will be exploring, ‘IT containment’ or ‘Data Retention’ and International rules/laws on documentary evidence.

After reflection, (from my research & post the Juris Conference in New York), couple of points which would be interesting to explore further;

- non symmetrical documentary production/IT capabilities between the parties

- no documentary evidence, an extreme non ediscovery/disclosure – dispute resolution based on ‘trust’, ‘value’ and other intangible types ‘relationship factors’.

- local laws that forbid documentary evidence in whatever form or format (i.e. digital evidence) to be collected or transmitted outside the jurisdiction

- where electronic documents (e.g. e-mail) are not treated as legal business document e.g. in Argentina, South America. Where else and what other constraints and limitations?

- intersecting privacy and confidentiality issues/laws/rules.