Category Archives: Community


More Collaboration coming from Open Source

Couple of interesting remarks/statements from this article, Open Source Could Change the Future of E-Discovery; Even for customers who can afford commercial e-discovery, “There is no tool that fits what lawyers want. The only one you like is the one you’ve never seen and don’t use, because they are just all bad.” of the [...]

Why are Google, Bing and Yahoo! collaborating? Aren’t you competitors?

Interesting development in the web space which most likely will attract other willing collaborators (or competitors) to join in. This development is also interesting for the ediscovery space as we now have ‘microdata’ . For my own record –

The ‘problem’ being ‘non-issue’ or ‘the issue’ or a ‘multi-million dollar issue’

The opening statements from eDiscovery Advice from A Fellow Traveller; I am not an eDiscovery expert, and I am not selling eDiscovery services. This post is for the masses not the specialist. It is from one fellow traveller to another fellow traveller. Mmm… I guess the specialist will also read it, perhaps more drawn to [...]

e-Garbage in Cyberlaws!

Over the past couple of weeks I have been busy sorting out my physical garbage and planning for my impending move to Beijing. No way near complete yet! I just opened an invitation e-mail and the word – e-Garbage struck a loud chord! Imagine how much e-Garbage I will add to the universe of ‘e-something’ [...]

E-discovery waves headed/heading East?

I just found this E-Discovery and Digital Forensics GEC conference via my search radar. Is this a good indicator that the e-discovery waves have reached the shores of Asia? I am sure there are other Asian regional and local meetings and conferences on e-discovery being hosted amongst other annual conferences and events. Perhaps soon there [...]

e-lessons learned blog

I came across a blog from twitters which I find rather interesting. Nowadays, there’re so many blogs on ediscovery and most of them seem to repeat or rehash what have been blogged or reported elsewhere. The e-lessons learned blog is refreshing and worth keeping an eye on.The current posts examined the Zubulake cases from different [...]

EDRM project management framework

The EDRM project management framework is in draft and available for public comment. The EDRM’s mission statement stated: The mission of the EDRM’s Project Management Workgroup has been to develop a framework and specific guidelines to serve as a standard in the electronic discovery industry regarding effective management of electronic discovery projects. Here is my [...]

The Sedona Conference ® welcomes your voices and/or see you in Barcelona in June

Something tapa’ing in Barcelona from 8th June…well two great events to entice me (and hopefully you too!), one coming from The Sedona Conference® and the other from the DESI folks. If you’re into ediscovery/edisclosure stuff you will have heard of The Sedona Conference®. For those who have not heard of DESI, (I posted about DESI [...]

Enterprise e-discovery and principles of war

Last year a friend suggested that I compare the Sun Tzu on the Art of War with the various Alternative Dispute Resolution approaches. I even have a great comic book on the Art of War!  Well now several books have been published on e-discovery and I have not bothered to buy and/or read them. Has [...]

a newly coined word – protodigital

Checkout Ralph’s blog on Why E-Discovery is Ruining Litigation in America and What Can Be Done About It In the world of IT and wearing my project manager hat on, ediscovery/edisclosure is another ‘activity’ to add to the list of items to consider. In the past (before ediscovery/edisclosure is coined) and in projects I have [...]