Category Archives: Arbitrators

Todd v Guidance Software – Arbitrator ordered backup data to be produced

In arbitration, inaccessible data is data to be discovered and produced as shown in the Cassondra Todd v Guidance Software case. There’re several reports on this case which you can search via google. This report (also tweeted) gives a best guess of the timeline of the events, which I find handy to scan, read and [...]


I’ve kind of recovered from my jet lag. I was in Asia for Chinese New Year and also managed to squeeze in short trips to Thailand and Cambodia (to see the Angkor Wat). Posted some pics (taken using my mobile phone!) at facebook. Mmm even did not get to twitter while in Asia. Oh I’ve [...]

Social Networking site

Yesterday (Sunday 28th September), I started a social networking site at Soon the site will be just There is also an iADRt (international ADR tribunals) ‘badge’ located on this blog right hand side menu. Do visit and join for free and welcome any views/comments.

discovery of ‘e-mail diary’ disallowed even by a mock panel of international (real) arbitrators

I was at the ICC Arbitration Day event in Paris last week. Thanks to Ms. Mireze Philippe at the ICC for her company and lunch. The mock arbitration was well organised with two sittings comprising of well known arbitrators, lawyers and also a barrister. Only one of the parties was not a lawyer. The participants [...]