Category Archives: individuals

websites by individuals (not community)

electronic discovery vs computer forensics & beyond…

My research for my dissertation finished last week. I will continue to post articles which I’ve collected and will also continue with my interests in international arbitration and ediscovery/edisclosure. An article on ediscovery vs computer forensics. I will be exploring, ‘IT containment’ or ‘Data Retention’ and International rules/laws on documentary evidence. After reflection, (from my [...]

Improving Procedures for Discovery and Documentary Evidence

improving-procedures-for-discovery.htm, Andrew Rogers, Source: BOOK: ICCA Congress series no. 7 (1996), pp. 131 – 144

Electronic Discovery In Arbitration: Privilege Issues and Spoliation of Evidence

Warshauer, Irene C “Electronic Discovery In Arbitration: Privilege Issues and Spoliation of Evidence“. Dispute Resolution Journal. Nov 2006-Jan 2007. 09 Nov. 2007.

researching computer-based disclosure and discovery in civil litigation

Mr Ken Withers website. For very informative articles & links on ediscovery (primarily US) & some great pics taken in Kenya.

Is Digital Different? by Kenneth J. Withers

Electronic Disclosure and Discovery in Civil Litigation