No E-Documentation or edisclosure mentioned on this ICC UK / CIArb joint conference.
Perhaps the ICC UK and CIArb do not wish to remind those wishing to refresh their knowledge of evidence and legal submissions on the ‘growing issue as a result of the electronic exchanges of documents between parties’. Surely the ‘growing issue…’ as highlighted by the Juris Conference organisers on Electronic Evidence and Disclosure in International Arbitration are issues and challenges that young practitioners will no doubt encounter.
The ICC UK/CIArb states: A conference designed especially for ‘up & coming’ arbitration practitioners and those wishing to refresh their knowledge of evidence and legal submissions
Topics to be covered include:
- Issues and Challenges Facing Young Practitioners
- Establishing Your Case: Key Issues to Consider
- Documentary Evidence
- Document production, IBA Rules, common law and civil law approaches, and best practice
- Expert Evidence: Tribunal or party appointed, number and qualities, witness conferencing, guidance and systems
- Legal Submissions: Oral, written, simultaneous or sequential?
- Fact Evidence: Witness selection, preparation, hearings, cross-examination
One Comment
I attended the ICC UK/CIArb joint conference today and edisclosure/ediscovery was mentioned under documentary evidence
The presenter was from Allen & Overy and he admitted that the edisclosure bit was ‘added’ after the notes and handouts were prepared.
I spoke to several of the participants and they also admitted they have not heard of ediscovery until today.
So… what to make out?
One Trackback
[...] just noticed that the Juris Conference which is on today (see my previous post- A Conference for ‘up & coming’ arbitration practitioners – Establishing Your Case in Interna…) has an interesting announcement on the Juris [...]