Aloha from Waikiki !
This blog is written and posted from my new Eee (pink cover) Linux based laptop ( more of a palm than a lap to be more precise). Beautiful, cool and great machine to carry and use. No fiddling with ‘windows’ and the Eee runs like a breeze…Will I opt for the iPhone next? Not sure since I’m very much a typing rather than a tapping person.
Within less than 3 months I bought 2 computers, the other is a Sony Vaio laptop which replaced my ‘old-worn out’ Vaio of over 6 years old. That’s pretty much the age of a travelling laptop.
As can be seen in my blog calendar, I’ve not posted much except I’ve added Web 2.0 features like feedburner and also google adsense. I’ve also started playing with various other applications and systems and started a new WordPress site to experiment blogging with mandarin-english.
Mmm seems that multi-language ediscovery challenges have also appeared on the agenda of the likes of Kroll Ontrack. I also noticed today that Big Blue (IBM) has entered the ediscovery space. More to come…