I wondered if the term, collusion to mean ‘interplay’ (or more precisely in the old etymological sense of playing fairly together?) could be used in the context of looking at the various laws, regulations and standards surrounding e-mails.
According to Prof. Tony Hoare at a BCS evening talk, the collusion of the Science of Programming with the Engineering of Software provides interesting areas for research in domain modelling and ontology related subject areas (e.g. ontology languages).
Maybe one day there will be a ‘perfect domain model’ to represent our ‘real world’ with unbounded boundaries and constraints. Until that day…the present reality is that there are hosts of all kinds of information sets to talk about and write about.
If one can create a ‘wall on collusion’ of all existing laws and regulations on data and information, what would it look like?
Daniel J. Langin, Attorney at Law LLC provided a sample just on e-mails, A Guide to Keeping E-mail Legal: Four Pillars of Compliance‘.