Nov 202015

I only seriously took an interest in the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method this summer – yup! only this summer. I was too busy reading and exploring interesting Chinese wuxing stuff with the view to do research on this subject matter.

As highlighted in my October post, I had to change my topic.

Now, I’m following the suggested steps outlined in the SLR to get to the TRUTH of whatever I’m conducting for my research, and off course to define/describe that ever elusive research question.

I’m following the normal route of conducting a piece of ‘academic’ PhD research, instead of following my heart to embark on digging deep into something as ancient and profound as in the Chinese wuxing. Perhaps one day I will get to do this topic.

I realised after my presentation (yesterday) to my supervisors on my new topic and motivation, that I’ve lost my motivation in coming up with a new topic to continue with my research.

I’m in deep trouble – as posted under reflection day – not on my research question, really…the trouble is my motivation behind doing a PhD. I just need to motivate myself, and come up with something the general public, researchers and my supervisors will also be motivated or interested in the chosen topic. This is what I now realised is what constitutes ‘academic’ ( unlike ‘professional’) PhD research, i.e. a research path not following one’s dream or one’s own madness into the deep unknown, just do what researchers have done but add a bit more or extend it somehow, and most importantly it is a ‘safe’ topic.

I was approached yesterday by my University Library staff to join a case study project, and one question is around advice for other researchers. My answer : ‘Have good supervisors and have perseverance’.

Perhaps I should also add – have luck in finding and working with supervisors who are kind, supportive and open minded to stretch boundaries with you on your dream PhD journey.