Oct 262015

I am now into the start of my 3rd year of PhD, and I’m still reviewing literature and discussing my research aims/objectives etc. with yet another lot of new supervisors.

To keep it short, I nearly ‘quit’ (and/or forced out from!) the PhD due to circumstances, which could have been avoided with regular and ‘keen’ interaction with the supervisor. Another contributing factor was that my research topic, involving Eastern Theory and approaches, was totally ‘alien’ and was viewed as ‘high risk’.
Some collected information at jollyvip.com/wuxing

So here I’m re-starting on a new topic, which hopefully is considered ‘safe’ enough for Westerners.
I could write a Thesis just on my PhD experience so far!

 Posted by on October 26, 2015 at 6:55 pm

  One Response to “October post – still on the PhD!”

  1. [...] highlighted in my October post, I had to change my [...]