Apr 022016

Latest report from ENISA on incident response and cyber crisis cooperation:
Strategies for incident response and cyber crisis cooperation

cyber crisis cooperation – ccc – a new acronym?

On processes and procedures:
Another aspect that is strongly connected to the human factor in the course of incident response is the
available processes and procedures. A clear, concise, well-documented incident response plan must be in
place that complies with the existing policy framework at organisational level as well as national level.
Overcomplicated response plans will delay the effectiveness of incident response and escalation
procedures. If policies are loose, the incident response team may lack autonomy to act responsibly. It is
vital that the personnel are available for the processes and procedures related to incident response. It is
just as vital that the constituents of the national and governmental CSIRTs are also aware of their parts in
the process of managing an incident.

 Posted by on April 2, 2016 at 1:37 am