Jun 022018

The easy stuff of my Thesis is getting the outline of the chapters and the dates to complete each of the chapters.
Now the ‘hard’ stuff of writing up…

Today is a reflection day, reflecting on all the sweating & agonising moments with finding users, doing the interviews, designing-building of the dashboard, doing the user evaluation of the dashboard & dealing with WiFi/internet, online questionnaire, iPad, being Me and also being a researcher.

Well…also the many personal dramas since I started on this PhD journey.

Nothing is forever dramatic or agonising or ‘real’, right? This is as real as can be – a beautiful piece of music & singing – to remind me that fairy tales can be ‘real’ stuff. Well… ‘real’ for me & for less than 5 mins for that Royal walk :-) . A divine music in a memorable scene – simply, truly magical!

Can my Thesis capture all the dramas of the past years?
Mmm.. not really. It will have to be a meta-non-PhD Thesis or a personal diary of some sort.

During my supervisors’ meeting last Thursday, my 1st supervisor reminded me the essence of my research i.e. embedded in the aim/questions/objectives – all the ‘soft’ stuff which I now have to write about. She also said she is not an expert on my research topics, and another commented – Cher is the ‘expert’ now :-) . It’s not the ‘expert’ stuff that got me into reflective mood since the meeting. It’s when she said to write a story about my findings…

So, my invisible chapters in my Thesis have to be stories that any non-experts would want to read and be captivated like listening to a piece of divine or sublime music.

Just write Cher!

 Posted by on June 2, 2018 at 1:09 pm