Apr 282019

Many thanks to my internal examiner, Dr Lyn Robinson for the list of amendments – dated 27th April 2019.
I will get all the amendments done ASAP.

As posted under ‘Moving on…’, I will be moving on to other adventures. The exact forms/shapes or directions of my next adventures are not fully mapped out. Talking about mapping, Tony Buzan (R.I.P) – inventor of mind mapping (my favourite tool!)- was in the news at Linkedln.

After I have officially finished with my PhD i.e. final Thesis submitted and graduation ceremony pictures taken :-) , this research site will remain online but inactive.

 Posted by on April 28, 2019 at 3:36 pm
Apr 262019

This website was set up when I started my PhD journey in October 2013, primarily to document some of my research activities and to share stuff with my supervisors.

I’m waiting for the list of minor amendments (following the viva on 15th April 2019), and hopefully, I don’t have to wait for too long. Just want to move on to my next adventure, what adventure?!

I’ve got a long ToDo lists including reading books which I thought would be good for my research studies but just didn’t have the time then. Also, I am now looking for work that will enable me to use my research skills and my interests in privacy-related topics.

My triage playbook has commercial values and I’ll be looking at ways to use my research outputs for practical commercial use. I will apply for funding or research funding programmes or research funded posts. So, a new adventure ahead!

Just this week I attended a workshop organised by City on ‘Effective writing for research grant application – with Prof Derrington’. Personally, I think there are also valuable lessons from non-academic driven grant/funding approaches such as crowdfunding.

 Posted by on April 26, 2019 at 10:26 pm
Apr 152019

Such a great relief to finally got to the end of my PhD journey. 15th April 2019 a day to remember!

Many heartfelt thanks to Dr Lyn Robinson for her kind words and great role as my internal examiner. Also, many thanks to Prof Hamid Jahankhani for coming to City, University of London to be my external examiner. I certainly have learnt a lot from all the questions raised at the Viva.

I couldn’t have reached this final chapter in my PhD journey without the loyal and wonderful support from my supervisors, Prof Steph Wilson, Dr llir Gashir & Dr David Haynes. Many thanks!

Also, many thanks to Savita & Tillman (Chair) for making today a smooth day for us all.

Tweets and photos posted today by @lynrobinson & @stephwilsoncity. Many thanks!

 Posted by on April 15, 2019 at 7:14 pm