May 172017

Slowly re-bouncing back to my PhD research after over a month of break to sort out my personal drama – still unresolved.

A piece of great news in April!

On April 25th 2017, I attended a #WMERSM (WhiteHall Enterprise Risk & Security Conference Conference and was chuffed to see my Transfer Report outcomes referenced by Ms. Sue Milton in her talk.
Links to the tweets:
Great talk @Sueanywhere #wmersm citing my triage response #databreach consequences

#wmersm great topic @Sueanywhere thanks for citing my #PhD #CityUniversity

Many thanks to Ms Sue Milton & the event organisers to allow me to attend as Ms Sue Milton’s guest.

 Posted by on May 17, 2017 at 4:51 pm
May 162017

The word ‘data broker’ was used in this Guardian news – Five things we learned from Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook hearing

On the diagram I did way back in 2013/2014, I did not have ‘data broker’ as potential ‘predator’ of our personal data. So in light of the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal, ‘data broker’ (not ethical ‘data broker’!) should appear in the same grouping for criminal and extortioner.
The data and stakeholders diagram is available here:

Data & Stakeholders (pdf)

A firm & their stakeholders (incident response)

Welcome to use the above diagrams as long as you cite this site and the author, Cher Devey, 2015.

 Posted by on May 16, 2017 at 2:31 pm